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The Controversial Love Life of Angelina Jolie: From Brad Pitt Affair to Media Frenzy

Angelina Jolie is one of the most iconic and recognized actresses in Hollywood. With her impressive career, she has been involved in a number of scandals over the years. From her personal life to her public image, Jolie has had her fair share of controversies that have captured the public’s attention.

One of the most significant scandals involving Angelina Jolie was her relationship with Brad Pitt. Jolie and Pitt started dating in 2005 while he was still married to Jennifer Aniston. The affair caused a media frenzy, with Jolie being labeled as a homewrecker. The situation only got worse when Jolie and Pitt announced their engagement, which led to Aniston being portrayed as the victim.

And here some nude fakes of Angelina Jolie, the one of the hottest actress on the world!

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