Cora Jade3

Sexy Wwe Divas nude and one short fan fitcion sex story

‘i still cant believe i’m about to do this,this is insane,like,absolutely fucking insane,but fuck it,this is probably the only chance i’ll ever get to do this,so i cant back out of this now,i gotta do this.if i dont,i know i’ll regret it for the rest of my life’

the thoughts of nxt star cora jade as she stands outside the hotel room of her idol,the woman who inspired her to become a wrestler and pursue her dream,to embrace being who she was,the anti diva and former divas champion,aj lee,it was the night before nxt deadline 2022,and aj had invited cora to join her in her hotel room that evening,leaving her a spare key in a hotel room she’d booked for cora,along with a note that told cora to wear nothing but the dressing gown and heels she left in her room for her when she came to her room,and cora had done just that,after all,as nervous as she was,this was aj lee,she wasnt about to say no to her idol,or question why aj wanted her naked.

‘ok cora,you can do this,just use the key and go in,that’s what the note told you to do,go in,lock the door and get on the bed,you’ll be fine,plus,you can so totally brag to roxanne tomorrow about this,it’ll make her so upset that aj chose you over her,she may be the prodigy,but you’re aj’s favourite’
the leader of the generation of jade breathed in,then out,and used the key aj had provided her to get into her hotel room,silently closing the door behind her after walking in,it was a pretty nice looking room,all things considered,she shouldnt be that shocked,of course,but she liked it,she had a bit of a look around before doing what the note aj left her had told her to do,taking her robe off and getting on the bed,completely naked,now all that was left was for her to tell aj she was here.

“aj,i’m here ! i did what you said as well,i wore the gown here so nobody saw i was naked under it,i’m on the bed as well”

a few moments of silence passed,during which cora started to wonder if,maybe,somehow,she was being pranked,maybe somehow roxanne was behind this and she was going to humiliate her,maybe she’d been recording her this entire time,thankfully for cora,however,she had nothing to worry about as,eventually,she heard a very,very familiar voice saying.

“that’s good to hear,cora,stay right there,i’ll be in with you in a moment”

cora couldnt help but smile hearing the voice of her idol,aj lee,it was insane to her that she was in the hotel room of aj,naked,having been invited here personally by her,this wasnt exactly how she had dreamed of the two of them spending time together,but she sure as hell wasnt going to say no to this,if her idol wanted to see her naked body,then she was going to let aj see her naked body.

“ok,i’m coming in,be a good girl for me cora and stay on the bed,ok ?”

“yes aj !”

cora did as she was told as the black widow and anti diva,aj lee,walked into the main part of the hotel room from the shower room,wearing a black dressing gown of her own,she slowly let it fall to the floor to reveal her fully naked body,something that cora had never,in her wildest dreams,thought she would ever get to see,she was stunned as aj slowly turned around,showing off for cora,showing her guest her tits,pussy and ass,cora just couldnt believe her luck,she was thrilled,her idol was naked in front of her,this was the best thing that had ever happened to her,and aj could see the excitement on her face,something she was counting on.

“i take it that you like what you see,cora ?”

“fuck yeah i do ! i mean,fuck,you’re my idol,aj ! you’re the reason i got into wrestling,you inspired me to be myself and to follow my dreams,being invited here by you and getting to see you naked,this is fucking amazing ! like,thank you so,so,so much !”

“oh cora,you are so very welcome,now,before we do anything else,or talk about anything else,let me join you on that bed”

cora’s heat skipped a beat hearing aj say that,and as aj got on all fours on the bed,cora was mesmerized as aj seductively crawled over to her,shaking her ass slowly from side to side,it was almost hypnotic in a way,of course,aj was doing all of this on purpose,she knew that she could very easily take advantage of the fact that cora idolized her,she knew she could control cora,especially if she had her alone,and now that she did,she was going to have all the fun she wanted to have with the leader of the generation of jade,sitting cross legged by her after she got right in front of her,causing cora to do the same,something aj thought was cute.

“so,cora,do you know why i invited you here ?”
“honestly ? no,i’ve been racking my brain trying to figure it out since i was handed that note by that staff guy tuesday at nxt but i’ve not been able to figure out why you’d want me here with you”

“well,in that case i guess i should tell you,you see,i’ve been paying very close attention to you and your career so far,knowing that i inspired you to wrestle i wanted to see how well you did,and you’ve done so,so incredibly well so far,cora,i see so,so much of me in you,i’m very impressed with you,especially with how you dealt with roxanne,it’s something i know i would’ve done,had it been me and paige in that same situation”

cora couldnt help but smile and feel incredibly happy and over the moon,she was being praised by her idol,this was the best feeling she could ever have,she was hanging on aj’s every word,and aj could tell she was,and that was exactly what she wanted,after all,aj had a plan,and she needed cora to be fully obdient to her for that plan to work,so talking up her accomplishments so far and how well she’s done is something aj knew would only help with that,and it clearly was doing it’s job,of course,she wasnt done yet,though.

“so you see,i wanted to spend some personal,private time with you and,seeing as tomorrow is nxt deadline,i thought why not do so tonight ? after all,if i’m going to motivate you to win the iron survivor challenge and go on to dethrone mandy,i figured why not do so in the most fun way possible,by spending time with you in a hotel room,with us both completely naked”

of course,there was a bit more to it then that,and aj was getting to it,but she could tell by how cora was reacting to everything she was saying,and by the blatantly obvious way cora was checking her out,something she had fully intended on,that she had cora exactly where she wanted her,cora couldnt take her eyes off of aj,nor could she stop listening to her,all she had to do now was finish telling her why she was there with her,and she knew things would go her way,she’d be shocked if they didnt.

“so,i invited you here,and now that you’re here,you’re mine,cora,you’re my lover now,i want you,and i WILL have you,cora,you’re going to move in with me and spend the rest of your life with me,having sex with me every single fucking day,multiple times a day,and i’ll be there,in your corner,as you dominate nxt and become the legend i know you’ll be,oh,and i should say,if you reject me,you’ll not only dissapoint me,i’ll never,ever speak to you ever again,cora,so,just say yes and give yourself to me so you can be cora lee”

cora couldnt believe everything that she had just heard,aj wanted her to be her lover,she wanted her to be cora lee,this felt so unreal to the leader of the generation of jade,her idol wanted her,she wanted her to move in with her,she wanted to fuck her every single day,multiple times a day,this felt like a dream,but cora knew it was real,cora couldnt say no to aj,she just couldnt,she especially couldnt dissapoint aj,she didnt want aj to never talk to her ever again,that would be heart breaking,if cora had to willingly,obdiently give herself to her idol,to be cora lee,aj lee’s lover,so be it,she’d do it.

“i’m your’s,aj ! of fucking course i’m your’s ! oh my fucking god,this is,this is fucking insane,like,i’m so fucking happy right now ! i,i,i’m my idol’s lover ! like,fuck,god,this is the fucking best thing that could’ve ever fucking happened to me,i’m all your’s,aj,i’m cora lee,aj lee’s lover ! and i cant fucking wait to shove this all in roxanne’s face,either ! she’s gonna be soooo upset you chose me over her,and it’ll be fucking brilliant !”

“oh,it will be,and i am so very happy that you chose to do the right thing,cora,it would’ve been a shame if you had said no,but of course,you and i both know that,deep down,you would never,ever say no to anything i tell you to do,isnt that right,cora lee ?”

“of course ! i’ll do whatever my lover wants me to do ! i’m all your’s,aj,you own me,tell me what you want and i’ll do it !”

aj couldnt help but grin hearing all of this,her plan had worked to pure,utter perfection,cora was finally fully under her control now,sure,some people may think what she had done,taking advantage of a beautiful young woman who idolized her in the way she had done so was wrong,was vile,but she honestly didnt care,she got what she wanted,and now,she was finally going to get to have some sexual fun with her new,obdient lover,and she was going to enjoy every single damn moment of it.
“that’s exactly what i wanted to hear,cora,now,be a good girl and spread those legs a bit for me”

“yes aj !”

cora obdient did as she was told,spreading her legs open a bit,upon doing so aj would get closer,wrapping one of her own legs around cora as she leaned in and started to make out with her,causing a huge wave of excitement and pleasure to wash over the young nxt star as she made out with aj,both womens’ hands roaming one another’s bodies as their tounges dances around one another’s,moaning into the kiss,cora was overjoyed this was happening,it felt so,so good,and as soon as her hands rested on aj’s ass,something she had always liked about the anti diva,she gently groped and squeezed it,causing aj more pleasure,something aj was quick to return in kind to cora,her hands coming to rest on cora’s breasts,which she would gently grope and play with,causing cora to feel more pleasure.

“mmmm,oh,my,god,mmmmm,oh aj,mmmmm,fuck,i cant,mmmmm,oh god,mmmm,i cant believe this is happening,mmmmm,this is,oh,mmmm,all so amazing,mmmmm,you’re such,mmmmm,an amazing kisser,mmmmm,fuck,this feels,so good,mmmm,p-please dont stop,mmmm”

“oh cora,mmmm,you’re so adorable,mmmm,oh yeah,mmmmm,i dont plan on stopping,mmmm,we’ve only just begun our,mmmm,our new life together,mmmm,my sweet,sexy,mmmmm,gorgeous lover,mmmm,you and i have,mmmmm,a lot of fun to have together,mmmm,so much fun indeed”

finding herself excited,intrigued and turned on by what aj had said about only just having started their new life together,and the fact they had plenty more fun to have together,cora couldnt help but relax a bit more as she allowed herself to be lost in the pleasure she was getting from making out with,and getting her tits groped by her new owner,her new lover,her idol,aj lee,who herself was enjoying the pleasure she was gaining from making out with,and getting her ass groped by cora,her thoughts briefly drifted to how things might have gone had she instead chosen to make roxanne her obdient lover,but she knew that,ultimately,cora was the right choice for her,she knew she could much more easily control cora,and as the pleasure built up inside of her,she found herself thinking of the many,many things she planned on doing with cora now she was her lover.

“mmmm,oh aj,oh god,mmmm,fuck,mmm,i cant wait to,mmmmm,cant wait to spend the rest of my life,mmmmm,f-fuck,mmmm,with you,mmmm,being your lover,mmmm,this is,like,mmmm,a dream come true,i,mmmm,fuck,i’m so happy we’re together,mmmm,i,mmmm,i love you,aj,mmmm,i love you so much !”

“i love you,mmmmm,fuck,mmm,i love you too,cora lee,mmmm,yes,i cant wait to spend our lives together either,mmmm,fuck,god,mmm,i’m gonna make sure,mmmm,my gorgeous,mmmm,perfect lover gets her gold,mmmm,and that i fuck her every,mmmm,oh god,mmm,damn day,mmmm,because i know you want that,mmmm,i know you want me to use you,cora,mmmm,i know you want to be my sex slave,mmm,dont you,cora ?”

“mmm,yes aj,mmmm,i’m your sex slave,ahhh,mmm,i’m your obdient play thing,mmmmm,use me however you wish,mmmm,i’m cora lee,mmmm,aj lee’s obdient lover,mmmm,fuck,and i love you,aj”

aj was very,very happy to hear this,cora fully giving into aj was something the black widow of the wwe had desired,and whilest she knew she had gotten it,it was pleasing to her to hear it from cora herself,so pleasing,in fact,that the already horny aj found herself no longer satisfied by just making out with cora and groping cora’s tits,the built up lust inside of her needed more,and she was going to get exactly what she wanted.

“mmmm,be a good sex slave cora,mmmm,lay down on your back,mmm,and spread your legs for me”

“anything for you,aj”

doing as she was told,the obdient,horny,lust filled cora laid down on her back on the hotel bed,spreading her legs so that the also horny aj could get easier access to her as she got between cora’s legs and started scissoring her,causing both women to moan and groan lustfully,feeling wave after wave of pure,sexual pleasure wash over them as aj groped cora’s tits as well,causing the obdient,submissive cora even more pleasure,it was quite clear that aj was the dominant one in their new relationship,if you could really call it that,cora did at least in her mind,but the horny nxt star also knew aj owned her now,and she was more then fine with that,being aj lee’s sex slave would be a very pleasurable life for her.

“oh god,oh fuck,aj,mmmmm,oh,f-fuck,oh god,this is amazing,ahhh,oh,god,oh god fuck,mmmm,fuck,i cant believe,mmmm,i’m being fucked by aj lee,mmmm,oh fuck yes,mmmm,my idol,mmmm,is fucking me,ahhh,g-god,mmmm,and it feels so fucking,mmmm,fuck,fuck,mmmm,so fucking good !”

“mmmm,of course it does,cora,mmmmm,fuck,it’s me fucking you,mmmm,oh god,mmmm,f-fuck,mmmm,i’ve dominated so many sluts before,mmmmm,paige,brie bella,mmmm,nikki bella,maryse,mmmm,oh god,ahhh,mmm,natalya,emma,mmmm,beth,naomi,sasha,steph and so many others,mmmm,fuck,god,i made all of them my bitches,mmmm,and now,i own you,mmmm”

aj wasnt lying,the horny,lust fuelled anti diva had indeed had her way with all of the women she had mentioned,especially steph,multiple times in fact,as well as paige,she still regularly fucks her,she had made sure paige was hopelessly in love with her in order to make her an obdient fuck buddy who she can fuck whenever she felt like it,of course,that wouldnt do for what she had in mind for cora after she had initially found out about cora,she wanted cora all to herself at all times,and she got just that,and as she continued fucking and groping the tits of the incredibly horny leader of the generation of jade,she couldnt help but smirk at just how easy it had been to take control of her,who knows,maybe roxanne would’ve been easy as well,but ultimately,cora was who she wanted,and aj got exactly what she wanted.

“ahhh,oh god aj,mmmmm,fuck,oh god yes,oh god,mmmmm,fuck me aj,mmmm,fuck me,mmmm,f-fuck,mmmm,god,i cant fucking wait,mmmm,fuck,to rub this in,mmmm,f-fuck,ahhh,oh god,oh fuck,mmm,i cant wait to rub this in roxanne’s face,mmmm,oh,god,the little prodigy is gonna cry,mmmm,oh,mmm,like the pathetic loser she is,mmmmm,because i’m getting fucked by you,mmm,and she isnt,ahhh,god,oh fuck yeah,mmm,damn,god,sooo good”

“exactly,mmmm,fuck,only you are worthy of,mmmm,fuck,god damn,mmm,being my sex slave,cora,mmmm,my fuck piece,mmmm,my play thing,ahhh,god damn,mmm,and roxanne is a loser who,mmmm,deserves fucking nothing,especially not me,mmmm,fuck,only obdient sluts like you do,mmmmm,fuck,and you’re MY obdient slut,cora lee,mmmm,oh yeah,god,fuck !”

as aj continued scissoring cora and groping her tits,causing the lust inside both women to grow exponentially higher with every passing moment and their moans of pure,unadulterated sexual bliss to grow louder and louder,cora found her thoughts fully dominated by how amazing her new life was going to be now she was aj’s lover,the only other thing on her mind was rubbing all of this in roxanne’s face and making her former best friend cry,the thought of which turned her on even more then she already was,getting her much closer to climaxing,something that she knew was gonna happen soon,she was struggling to hold in all of the pleasure she was getting.

“mmmm,oh god,oh fuck,mmmm,oh aj,oh god,oh fuck,i’m so,so fucking horny and wet,god,fuck,ahhh,mmmm,oh god yes,mmm,i never knew how good,mmmm,getting fucked by my idol could be,mmmm,fuck,oh god,f-fuck,mmmm,but i,mmmm,oh i really fucking needed this,mmmmm,this is,ahhh,fuck,god,the motivation i needed,mmmm,to kick ass tomorrow and,mmm,go on to,mmm,fuck,to dominate mandy and take MY nxt womens’ title,mmmm,fuck,with you by my side,ahhh,the generation of jade,mmm,wait,no,the generation of lust will never end,mmmm”

“mmm,you’re god damn right,mmmm,it’ll never fucking end,mmmm,oh fuck yeah,god,fuck,mmmmm,with me helping you,cora,mmmm,you’ll hold the gold for as long as you want,mmmmm,and i’ll be fucking you every single,mmmm,f-fuck,oh,mmmm,god damn day because your my sex slave,mmmmm,ahhh,oh god yes,fuck yes,mmmm,god,this feels so fucking good !”

the anti diva was getting closer and closer herself to climaxing as she continued having her way with cora,scissoring her and groping her tits,she had tried holding it off but she knew the lust and pleasure built up inside of her would,inevitably explode,so she fully embraced the lust inside of her,speeding up her scissoring of cora,who herself by this point was dangerously close to climaxing as well,both aj and cora would moan loudly as they climaxed together,aj pulling cora in for a deep,lustful kiss,holding her as close as she could until both women seperated and slumped to the bed,breathless,gasping for air but with smiles on their faces,cora eventually being the first to break the silence after regaining her breath slightly quicker then aj would.

“fuck,that was fucking unreal,i cant believe that just happened,like,i just had sex with aj fucking lee,and not only that,we’re lovers now,like,this is something i never thought would happen,but i’m so,so,so fucking happy it has,god,this is like,the BEST thing that’s ever happened to me in my life”

hearing all of this made aj smile,her smile growing as cora crawled up to rest in aj’s waiting arms,aj holding her close,smiling at her as she gently caressed her,giving her another kiss before saying.

“it’s the best thing that’s happened in your life so far,dont forget,we’ve got the whole rest of our lives together now,we’re gonna have a lot of fun together,cora lee,and let’s not forget,you get to rub it in roxanne’s face tomorrow that we’re lovers,and you’re my favourite,i bet you cant wait to watch her burst into tears,huh babe ?”

cora’s own smile would grow hearing this,and she would reply by nodding her head,before making out gently,and lovingly with aj once again,the two women would eventually fall asleep in one another’s arms,exhausted,but happy,for aj,she had gotten everything that she wanted,cora belonged to her now and she was going to enjoy regularly fucking her new sex slave.

as for cora herself ? she was living her best life,she was aj lee,her idol’s new lover and sex slave,she was beyond thrilled at the prospect of being fucked by aj multiple times a day,and she couldnt wait for deadline,she wanted to see the look in roxanne’s face when she and aj walked out together,making out with one another,she wanted it so badly,and she knew it would just break her,she would finally get her ultimate vengance on her former friend,and it,like the rest of her new life with aj,would be sweet.