Britney Spears Naked Sexy 4

Britney Spears nudes and fan fiction

Justin released a heavy pent up sigh. “I know this
doesn’t seem fair, but I feel that you give your fans
everything of yourself, and I end up with the
leftovers.” Britney was confused and dismayed with
Justin’s stark declaration. All this time she thought
their relationship was going great, but apparently she’s
clueless about her boyfriend’s true feelings.

Britney leaked sextape

“Like what do you mean, honey? Like you know I love
you.” Britney walked over to Justin, who was staring out
of her bedroom’s glass sliding doors. She slid her arms
around his waist and rested her cheek on his upper back.
His special scent wafted towards her nostrils. She
inhaled deeply, loving the intimacy of it, and thought
again how lucky she was to have him as her boyfriend.
That notion made her press her body closer to his.


Justin tried to ignore the feel of her breasts crushed
against him and the way her hips were jamming against
his legs. That was the way to insanity because he knew
that he ‘can’t get no satisfaction’ from her in the
carnal sense. However, every breath she took just made
him more aware of her sexy body, and that fact reminded
him of how the whole world was probably laughing at him
right this minute.

He gritted his teeth and blurted out, “Why did you have
to say in that press conference that you were a virgin?
Couldn’t you just have avoided answering the question at
all? You could have said, ‘No comment.'”

Britney was immediately contrite. “Oh baby, I’m so
sorry! Like my brains must have been mush that day!”


Justin didn’t say anything, and that made Britney feel
even worse. Her thoughtless comment had caused such an
uproar internationally that even she was shocked. Her
statement had ended up on all the tabloids’ front pages
and the lifestyle sections of the more respectable
newspapers. She hadn’t realized that people were so
interested in her sex life. “Sweetie, you know I didn’t
mean to say anything about something so personal. Like I
feel really bad. Like please say you’ll forgive me.”

Justin exploded. He turned around to grip her arms.
Britney was taken aback with his sudden action. “You
don’t get it, do you? I know your career needs to grow,
but the promotion of your new sexy image is getting to
me. I have to watch with the whole world as your hot
photos and magazine spreads make all the guys hard as a
rock! And then in your ‘Don’t Let Me Be the Last to
Know’ video, I had to grin and bear it as you horsed
around with that hunk all over the beach, wearing a
microscopic crocheted bikini that had your breasts
practically falling out! And then there was that “I’m a
Slave 4U’ video with that orgy scene where you looked
like you were coming like anything! Isn’t there any part
of you that I know is mine and just mine alone?!!”
Justin released her arms and raked his fingers through
his hair. “And then you had to announce to the whole
world that you’re a virgin!!! Christ!!!”
Britney was quiet because the gravity of the situation
was made clear to her when Justin cursed. He never
cursed in front her because he was brought up to be a
gentleman. Then she was suddenly hit with an insight.
Justin’s reaction was actually a combination of his male
ego, frustrated lust and a primal need to know that a
part of her would always be exclusively his.

She realized now that her sexier mature image, as well
as the publicity that it demanded was robbing them both
of special intimate moments in their relationship. And
she hadn’t considered the repercussions of how her
innocent revelation of being a virgin would affect how
the public viewed her boyfriend. They probably thought
he was a limp dick or something for not making love to

Actually, when they first got together, Britney was the
one who had requested that they don’t have sex yet
because she didn’t feel that she was ready. To his
credit, Justin had respected her wishes. What he didn’t
seem to realize was that his restraint proved to her
that he got it all over the other guys who were
constantly trying to get her attention.

And that just made him even more special to her. On the
other hand, she was reasonably sure that he had been
faithful to her, despite the astronomical number of
girls throwing themselves at him, since he was one of
the most popular members of the hit boy band N ‘Sync.

Britney thought, ‘Oh wow, like no wonder Justin is so
testy. Aside from not getting any and having to say no
to all those girls, like he had to contend with
imagining men and boys drooling over my pictures, and
then like watching me kiss and do stuff with all those
other guys in my videos.’

She decided that it was time to shed her overprotected
upbringing and make it up to him, and make him feel that
he’s the only guy she wants to be with forever and ever,
in short, he was the guy born to make her happy.

“Come over here, baby…” And then she hooked her index
finger in his pant’s belt loop, before slowly walking
backwards until the back of her knees hit the king-size
bed. “I think it’s like time to reward my big boy for
good behavior.”
Justin’s heart raced with this latest development, but
he wanted to make sure. “What do you mean, Britney?”

Britney was suddenly hit with a wave of shyness, causing
her to look down and mumble, “Well, you know…” Then
she rushed out, “Like I think we should go all the way
this time. I mean, like, we’re all alone in my house.
Your mom and my mom are shopping together and won’t be
back till tonight. So like we practically have the place
all to ourselves the whole afternoon.”

Justin was struck speechless for a moment before he
managed to find his voice, which was an unromantic
croak, “Are you sure, babe?”

Britney looked up and let her eyes say it. She nodded
quietly. “I’m sure, Justin.”

Justin could only groan out, “Oh babe,” and bent his
head to kiss her ravenously. But his plan went awry.
With a giggle, Britney avoided his lips and gave him a
playful push that forced him to sit at the edge of the
bed. He resisted a strong urge to curse and crush that
soft sexy body against his, that same body that had been
driving him crazy for years.

“Sit down, sweetie. I’m gonna give you a personal
private performance you won’t forget.” With a playful
smile, Britney left him to get a chair, which she put in
the middle of the bedroom’s open space, facing him. She
nudged her sandals off and flung them across the room
with a graceful flick of each foot. Then she rummaged
through her CDs, and before long Justin soon recognized
the strains of her latest hit, the aforementioned ‘I’m a
Slave 4U’.

Justin’s eyes popped wide open as Britney started
dancing to the music. Since she had a lot of dance
background, her body can pretty much do anything, a fact
he was very thankful for at that very moment.

Although she has always maintained with the press that
she never thought of herself as a sex symbol, she seemed
to be bent on reminding him why she was considered to be
one by both the male and female species. His eyes were
drawn to her hands as they ran through her blonde hair,
over her ample chest, by the sides of her writhing hips,
before ending on one of her feet balanced on top of the

Britney looked over at him to make sure he was following
her hands as they swept from her ankle to caress her
thigh, before cupping her sex through the low-slung
jeans that lovingly hugged her hips. Her position forced
her breasts to plump between the triangular frame of her
straight arms, making Justin gasp in appreciation as
they threatened the constraints of her pink-checkered
blouse, which was being held together by flimsy looking
knots right under her breasts, leaving her delectable
cleavage and tasty tummy bare.

Britney brought her foot down, consequently making a
tight trap for her hands, which Justin presumed to be
stimulating her love box. His theory seemed to be
correct, though, as Britney flung her head back and
moaned. He shifted uncomfortably as he felt his blood
rushing to his groin. But his stare never strayed far
from her writhing curvy body, mesmerizing him with its
heat and sexual energy. He almost shouted a protest when
she suddenly spun to face away from him.

She looked over her shoulder to give him a reassuring
wink, and went back to torturing him with her rolling
hips, which only made him imagine of sinking his fingers
into those very same hips before plunging his cock into
her virgin pussy. His breath caught in his throat as the
indentation of her spine became longer, and then he
belatedly realized that she must have released the snaps
on her jeans.

As her undulating hips moved in circles, it prodded the
blue material to slide lower. Justin silently urged the
offending cloth to go down faster, but it seemed to have
a mind of its own as it defied gravity and took its own
sweet time. He was ready to stand up and yank them down
himself when Britney helped the process by giving the
hipster a helpful push over the widest part of her hips,
so that there was no way for the jeans to go but down,
which it did with a sexy slither.

Justin’s fingers clawed the bed sheets to stop from
grabbing for himself some of the sweetest ass on the
planet. The globes of her behind were in perfect display
in the thong panties she was wearing. They rode high on
top of her muscular legs, toned from years of dancing.
They were so rounded that he also had to grit his teeth
to resist the urge to sink his teeth into the tempting

His fantasy was interrupted when Britney turned to stand
facing her horny boyfriend. She was delighted to note
that there was a noticeable bulge in his pants, for she
had plans to make him even bigger and harder. She slowly
sank on the chair right behind her, and made sure her
legs were clamped together.

Then, in time with the music, she would suddenly split
her limbs wide open and close them in a flash, leaving
him wanting to see more. She seemed to have heard his
wish because she transferred her hands behind her for
support and slid forward until she was balanced at the
very edge of the chair. This position arched her back,
consequently thrusting her chest out even more, and
bringing her groin closer for his fervent inspection. He
also adjusted himself by placing his forearms on his
upper thighs, which brought his face at a lower level.
He sure didn’t want to miss any glimpse of her pink

Britney playfully brought her joined knees to the right,
letting him gawk at her luscious legs from the tips of
her toes to the curve of her waist, and then bring them
to the other side. When she transferred those legs from
side to side, she allowed her knees to separate just a
little bit so that her boyfriend could get a tiny peek
at her pussy, and what he didn’t see, his imagination
more than made up for it.

After teasing him for several minutes, she turned away
from him again to straddle the chair. Placing her feet
firmly on the floor, she raised her arms overhead to
lengthen her torso. Justin couldn’t help admiring the
elegant line of her spine.

In an unexpected move, she bent over backwards until her
hands touched the floor and her back was arched into a
high bridge. Her mounds followed her downward dip and
formed enticing curves that he wanted to explore. In
fact, at that instant, with her body in such a
vulnerable position, there was nothing he would have
loved better than to run his hands all over and discover
her hidden nooks and crevices, especially the one
between her legs.

And then, he never figured out how she did it, but she
suddenly whipped her body from a bridge to a kneeling
position right in front of him that he jerked back
instinctively. In her new subservient position, she
looked like a naive supplicant. The image was further
reinforced when she peeked at him from under her lashes
and gave him a timorous half-smile.

Justin was entranced by her mercurial transformation
from a vamp to an innocent. He bent down to look at her
more closely but she scuttled away from him, scooting
backwards with her weight resting on her palms, and
using her feet to propel herself in a crab-like fashion.

Although she was lengthening the distance between them,
he couldn’t exactly complain because her unusual stance
caused her knees to spread wide open, giving him an
unobstructed view of how her thong poorly concealed her
pussy folds. His eyes eagerly memorized the puffy
outlines of her pussy lips. He was also gratified to see
a faint glaze on her inner thighs, attesting to the fact
that he wasn’t the only one getting hot and bothered.

She scurried until she was behind the chair and
disappeared from sight. After a few seconds, Britney
came back into view with a slithering motion that
reminded him of a snake responding to the call of its
charmer. And then his heartbeat accelerated even more
when he realized that she held in her hands the untied
ends of her pink-checkered blouse.

With a wicked little smile, she mimicked her earlier
efforts with her legs by flashing him a glimpse of her
tantalizing breasts by jerking one side of the blouse’s
panel open, then closing it just as quickly. Since she
wasn’t wearing a bra, he was gifted with unencumbered
glimpses of her legendary mammary glands. She did this
several times, with Justin busily assembling in his
memory bits and pieces like creamy flesh, a glimpse of
pink, and a full roundness that his hands wanted to grab
and suck. He clenched his fists in an attempt to control
the impulse.

When she slowly glided towards him, his glands started
to produce more saliva; and he had to swallow several
times because, otherwise, he was going to drool. She was
on tiptoes, as if she was wearing heels; and she was
moving in that crisscross fashion that models do, except
that she was really doing it so leisurely that it defied
the music’s tempo.

She would actually balance on one leg, lift the other
leg, bend it until that foot was beside the knee of the
balanced leg, stay for a few seconds, and then repeat
the same motion with the bent leg straightening and
doing the balancing act this time.

It was a graceful, heart-stopping dance move, which just
made him drool even more because her thong actually
slipped to and fro before settling in the crack of her
vagina to accommodate her actions, allowing him to make
out the outer lips of her moist slit. And since she had
settled her hands on her waist, the panels of her blouse
were free to flutter with her every movement, baring the
inner curves of her mouth-watering tits.

When she was finally in front of him, her question
raised his head from the intent examination he was
giving her body. He looked up guiltily to meet her
bashful smile. “Uhmm… like… would you like to open
my blouse?”

His brain scrambled to understand her words because he
couldn’t believe his hearing. Was she actually going to
let him pull the cloth apart to reveal what she, her
masseuse and her dresser have been the only ones
privileged to see? There can only be one answer. “Oh

Justin gently took the ends and parted them slowly,
acting out an irrational desire to prolong his own
agony. His mouth opened instinctively, in readiness for
sucking, as the inner slopes were gradually revealed,
followed by the velvety mounds topped with ripe pink
tips. The beauty of her breasts mesmerized him as he
gently pulled the checkered blouse down her arms
entirely, leaving her lovely body fully uncovered, her
thong a miniscule protection from his admiration.

Her body was a study in proportion and perfection. Her
magnificent chest tapered into a tiny waist that flowed
into trim hips. And despite the fact that her dancing
had produced a toned body with muscles, there was still
an appealing feminine roundness to every part of her,
from her arms, to her belly, and even her slender
calves. Aside from that, vibrancy and strength emanated
from her form, adding to her allure. But her breasts
were a study in itself.

They were a classic round shape, definitely more than a
handful that would probably overflow even his large
hands. Due to her youth and commitment to working out,
her chest muscles gave her boobs great support so that
there was barely any sagging to them. Her pink nipples
and aureoles sat squarely in the center of her mounds
like cherries on top of a sundae, looking deliciously
yummy. He could hardly wait to sink his mouth and teeth
into her tits.

Britney felt the heat from his gaze, causing a charming
blush to spread from her stunning chest, upwards her
slim neck, before enveloping her cheeks with a
delightful pink flush. In that instant she looked so
young that it reminded him that it was her first time.
He resolved that she was going to take pleasure in their
lovemaking, otherwise, they would just have to try again
and again until they get it right. That plan of action
was definitely fine by him.

His intent perusal was causing Britney’s breath to
quicken, making her chest rise and fall, producing a
slight quivering in her mounds, which captured Justin’s
attention completely. Seeing how absorbed he was,
Britney became fascinated herself with watching his
reactions, from the flaring of his nostrils, to the
feral gleam in his eyes, and to the sharp looking teeth
that seemed ready bite her. She felt a frisson of fear
and a thrill of excitement run through her at the same
time. So she gathered all the guts that she could muster
and did an experimental jiggle of her shoulders, causing
her breasts to bounce.

She had to bite her lip to stop from giggling as at his
expression, as if he wanted to eat her up! His reactions
to her display were making all her panic and fear to
disappear; instead, they inspired her to really strut
her stuff.

She wildly shook her shoulders, agitating her globes,
making them ricochet against each other, and earning her
an agonized moan from Justin. She quickly moved in
between his legs and widened her own stance to broaden
his, and then stepped back while still doing the shimmy,
before suddenly halting a couple of feet away from him.

And then Justin was taken by surprise when she suddenly
dropped forward. One moment he was totally concentrated
on her shuddering tits, and in the next second she was
dropping on him like a ton of bricks. He naturally tried
to catch her, only to find out there was no need since
her palms landed right on top of his spread upper

During the fall, she had also managed to stretch her
whole body behind her, as well as her arms, which put
her face very near his. He could only marvel again as
her dance training came to the fore. She tantalized him
with her eyes as she deliberately bent her elbows and
lowered her whole body in a classic full-length body
push-up, with his legs acting to brace her weight. But
it was unlike any push-up Justin had ever seen.

She sank in a long drawn out version of the push-up,
emphasizing the downward motion instead of the upward
one, her warm breath teasing his skin right through his
clothes. She went south until her breasts were pressing
against his jean clad thighs and her face was parallel
with his crotch, letting hot exhalations of air tease
him with its myriad possibilities.

Then she repeated the process, but this time letting her
face nuzzle and burrow against him, tongue and lips
adding immeasurably to his excitement. He hurriedly tore
his shirt apart to allow her direct contact with his
skin, groaning appreciatively at her efforts. When she
enveloped his raging hard-on with her open mouth, he
grabbed her under the arms and crushed her lips with his

He released her long enough to mutter in her ear, “Babe,
you are making me so hot. You’re hell and heaven all
rolled into one.” Britney smiled and gave him one last
smack as her way of saying thank you, before spinning
around to sit on his lap, grinding her ass against his
arousal, causing Justin to instinctively hump her back.

In an instant, they were dry fucking and since they both
loved the sensations, Britney spread her legs even wider
so that his hard on can press directly against her
sensitive slit, while Justin pumped his hips more

With her back to his chest, Justin recognized right away
the advantages of their position and seized her breasts,
memorizing their shape and texture, giving in to his
craving to squeeze them to his heart’s content. Britney
apparently approved because she threw her head back over
his shoulder and whimpered, which encouraged him to play
with her nipples by pulling and releasing them abruptly,
making her breasts shake to and fro. Those gorgeous tits
quaking and shuddering made him nearly come, but her
whispered plea really got to him.

“Oooh… Remove my panties, baby!”

Justin slammed her ass against his groin to prevent the
immediate release of his boiling spunk. The concept of
having Britney Spears, the world’s sexiest pop princess
and the fantasy of every heterosexual male and some
lesbian females, totally naked on his lap was just mind-
blowing! He took deep ragged breaths to gain some
control. There was just no way he was going to blow his
wad in his pants like some inexperienced jackass.

When he felt he had a small measure of control, he
grabbed the sides of her thong and tugged downwards.
After clearing her hips, Britney voluntarily raised both
her legs upwards until her toes were pointing straight
towards the ceiling, aiding his efforts to get rid of
her thong. The sight of those panties traveling up those
legs made his pole twitch madly. When they were finally
off her feet, he smacked the crotch area of her
underwear right to his nose and mouth, inhaling and
licking her sweet pussy juice at the same time.

While he was preoccupied with her captivating taste and
scent, Britney slithered off his lap. Still facing away
from him, she gyrated her hips like an exotic dancer,
and continued the illusion by sliding her hands from the
top of her legs all the way down to her ankles, looking
at her horny boyfriend between her legs, who stuffed her
panty into his jeans pocket as her virgin pussy was laid
out before him.

There was no other way to describe it. Her juicy pussy
was pretty. The petals of her opening barely unfurled
despite her wide-open stance. Instead they remained
closed to hide from view the inviting hollow he wanted
to burrow his cock into. And a fine sheen of oily
liquids bubbled from her pink depths, while fine blonde
pussy hair framed her delicious looking slit.

Once again, Justin gave in to his craving. He grabbed
her firmly by the hips and opened his mouth wide enough
to engulf her hole entirely. He began to suck her cunt
fluids ravenously, like a starving man presented with a
buffet. Britney grabbed on to her ankles, and tried to
keep from falling over and screaming in ecstasy as her
boyfriend rammed his tongue inside her. Justin was
relentless in his quest to eat and drink from the
delicious dish that was her pussy.

When he began to chew and nibble on her swollen clit,
Britney came for the first time in her young life. And
she wasn’t shy about letting the whole world know about
it. She shrieked loud enough for the whole neighborhood
to hear.

“Aaaaaaaahhhhh… Lliiiike I’m ccccoooommmiiinnggg!!!”

At that moment, Justin heartily appreciated the
soundproofing of her house, which was originally meant
to contain the music that was constantly being produced
inside her residence from being a nuisance to her
neighbors; but it worked just as well on confining her
yells of pleasure, which he hoped were just the start of
many that were going to be produced that scorching

Justin didn’t pause with munching her pussy. He even
bore down harder to urge more orgasms from her spasmodic
pussy. He devoured the fresh pussy flesh that he was
privileged enough to have dined on first. His tongue
flicked her little bud like a viper before flattening it
to sweep her pussy from top to bottom like a cat that
was grooming itself.

“Ooohhh Justin… Like what are you doing?!? Like that
feels so good!!” And Britney came again in little spurts
that Justin was more than happy to gorge on. He was very
pleased to note that his girlfriend was one of those
girls who came so hard their juices spurted like a mini-
fountain. He had always found eating pussy to be a real
treat and he intended to do it again and again with
Britney, who was presently more than content to collapse
on his lap as fresh tremors shook her body.

When she recovered, she turned to straddle his lap and
decided to give him a reward for being so naughtily nice
to her. Knowing now how fascinated he was with her
breasts, she clasped the sides of his head and pulled
him smoothly right in between the plump cushions. Her
sizeable spheres muffled his groans of pleasure.

Justin was happily surrounded by tit flesh, and he was
on cloud nine as he sucked them from all directions and
formed hickeys left and right. He dug his fingers into
the soft globes and mauled them to his delight. His
gaping mouth swallowed her nipples and suckled hard to
the point of pain. He sank his teeth into the tasty
morsels and chomped the protruding tips. Britney moaned
from the rough attention, but she loved it too and
clutched his head even closer to her chest.

As he sucked her flesh and teased her puffy pink
nipples, Britney’s right hand crept down until it
reached his pants zipper. She tugged it down as far as
it would go. Justin was enjoying himself immensely as
her tits became his pet playground, but her next request
made his head spin. “Let me see you, baby. Like can you
please remove everything?” That made his head come off
her chest so fast he made himself dizzy.

Britney squirmed off his lap again, and sat at the edge
of the bed while licking her lips in anticipation as
Justin stood and unceremoniously pushed his pants and
boxers off. His brusque disrobing was in complete
contradiction to her earlier lingering striptease.
However, to her delight, his penis proved to be a belly-
hugging sensation that dribbled a pre-cum coating all
over his jerking hard-on, which was a respectable length
of eight inches.

But when Britney murmured in an awed tone, “Oh, like
you’re so big, baby,” gallons of blood pumped into his
groin area; and he got awestruck himself as he felt his
rod increasing beyond its usual size. But her next
question made him feel as if the top of his head had
been blown off. “Like can I touch it?”

Justin gently took her trembling hand gently into his
and guided her index finger to the bulbous tip. He
groaned as she traced the pre-cum’s descent from the
head down to his testicles. And he went a little bit
crazy when she opened her hand, only to close it firmly
around his shaft and moved it up and down

Britney had seen this being done in one of the porno
films that she and her girlfriends had watched during a
sleepover. At that time, they all found it disgusting,
but now, as she watched her boyfriend’s expression of
enjoyment, she was filled with a strong desire to
pleasure him even more. So she copied what that girl did
next in the film.

Britney inserted his rod in her cleavage and squeezed it
between her generous mounds, and then moved her chest up
and down, as she did earlier with her hand. But Justin
will attest to the fact that this was so much better! He
looked down and nearly came again when he saw how
Britney was gazing at him adoringly with her big wide
eyes, her beautiful blonde hair in disarray, and with
his cock swallowed up by her breasts. Her velvety smooth
skin chafing against his prick was the last straw. This
was just too much! He needed to be inside her love box
right now!

He cried out, “Babe, please tell me you’re ready!”

Britney didn’t answer him in words. Instead, she eagerly
shoved herself towards the center of the bed, laid back
with her knees wide open and her arms raised gracefully
over her head. Her spicy tiny virgin cunt was in full
display once more for Justin’s hungry stare. He couldn’t
have hoped for a better invitation! He immediately
lowered himself between her open limbs, but couldn’t
help asking one more time, “Britney, are you sure about
this, babe?”

Without hesitation, Britney locked her ankles behind his
hips and her wrists around his neck. She whispered,
“Yes,” and brought his face down for a voracious tongue-
thrusting kiss. While their lips were locked, Justin
gently inserted his member in her tight channel, trying
to control his inclination to swiftly penetrate her
sizzling sheath.

Britney gasped as he pressed forward inexorably, panting
as her virgin pussy adjusted to his member. Although
there was great discomfort and slight pain, Britney was
surprised that she wasn’t in agony. Whenever they talked
about their first time, she and her girlfriends always
thought it would be like a physical kind of torture.
Instead, she unexpectedly felt impatient by Justin’s
slow paced entry.

On his part, Justin was thankful that her years of
dancing seemed to have taken cared of her hymen, because
he didn’t feel any tissue break that would more than
likely cause her pain. Nevertheless, he felt like his
penis was furrowing into a tight slick cleft that only
had the most minuscule fissure to pass through.

Finally, after countless agonizing minutes, he was
finally able to burrow himself so completely in her that
their groins were enmeshed. Britney squirmed, trying to
create some friction in her inflamed channel, wanting
any movement from the penis lodged deeply inside her. He
tried valiantly to stay still so that she could get used
to his size, but her squirming was making it hard for
him. He tried to distract himself by kissing her
greedily as he tried not to pound her pussy to oblivion.
But Britney urgently needed something, so instinctively,
she slammed her clit forcefully against his groin.
Incredibly, while they stayed motionless, Justin felt
Britney scream into his mouth before she convulsed in
another orgasm.

As he felt her fluids gushing and her pussy muscles
licking his whole cock, he finally gave in to his
instincts to ram her, pounding his prick repeatedly into
her tight cunt, her snug glove creating havoc with his
senses. Britney loved the feel of his battering ram,
stimulating nerve endings she never knew existed.
Justin’s hips followed a primeval rhythm, stroking in
and out in sharp little jabs that shook her whole body.
There was no room now for tenderness or moderation, and
Britney didn’t want any. What she wanted was to be
fucked so fiercely that she won’t even remember her own

So they both allowed the savage tempo to beat in their
loins, causing them to smash their groins together so
hard that their bodies shook. Justin pressed himself
even closer, causing Britney’s legs to splay open,
helplessly trembling with each thrust. She began to
squeal every time his man meat smashed into her vagina,
which only increased in volume as he fucked her faster
and faster, his boiling cum on the threshold of release.

Justin raised himself on his forearms so he could watch
Britney approaching her own orgasm. Her eyes were shut
tight, her lips were open in a slight grimace of
pleasure pain, and her cheeks were flushed with arousal.
God, she was so beautiful!

His glance went lower and he was amazed to note that her
breasts’ previously pink tips were now cherry red from
arousal! He immediately sucked and bathed them in his
saliva as his hips unbelievably increased its pace,
causing Britney to screech stridently. Her own elbows
hooked around her knees to bring them closer to her
head, consequently raising her hips higher, allowing his
piercing thrusts to penetrate more deeply.

And then suddenly, his spunk jettisoned uncontrollably
in her clutching cunt, flooding her with its soothing
cream until it ran down her entrance. His twitching
prick triggered her own climax as her hips bucked and
writhed, like a bull trying to throw off its rider. But
he held on to those hips and fought to keep his pole
plugged in her fiery furnace. He rode her heaving body
until it crested and finally settled against the bed
sheets. He couldn’t resist fucking her a few more times
to discharge all his cum before finally releasing his
deflating cock from her cunt.

Exhausted, they collapsed side by side, their limbs
still entwined. As they tried to catch their breath,
Britney leaned over and gave him a gentle kiss. When
their eyes met, she was so deliriously happy that she
started to giggle. She whispered, teasing him with some
of her song lyrics, “I’m not a girl, but definitely a
woman.” And then she moved her thigh provocatively
against his recovering erection in order to hasten the

Finally, when his hard-on throbbed against her belly,
Britney gave a little chuckle and rolled them over until
she was straddling his hips. She lowered her breasts’
swollen tips against his chest and succeeded to pop his
stick in her slot at the same time.

Justin’s breath hissed out as he felt her searing pussy
embracing his excited shaft. She put her mouth against
his ear and kidded him in a breathy tone that was
reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe, “Oops, I did it again.”
Justin could only groan at her banal little joke, which
swiftly changed into an approving moan as her hips began
to ride him rapidly to another earth shattering orgasm.

And when their moms called to say they were going to be
late coming back, as in they’ll probably arrive midnight
instead of late afternoon, both Britney and Justin
chorused into the speakerphone, “No problem!” And then
continued playing and having fun on the squeaking bed.