Are You Sure? (Emily Blunt fan fiction)

“Are you sure?” “Yes.” She took a deep breath. “Yes, I am.” “Alright. Let’s see just how ‘sure’ you really are.” I smiled. I’d thought about this moment, maybe not with her, but at least this kind of moment, for months. “Here,” I said, handing her the scissors from my…

Fun with Bruce and Demi Moore

Hollywood. You say that name to people and they immediately have visions of fame and fortune. Nothing but hot and cold running stars, and streets paved with glamour and glitz. Fact is though, it’s more like living inside a really noisy, smoggy light-bulb. Everybody’s out for themselves, and unless you’re…

Sexy Tess Haubrich

After giving Ruth half an hour to stop trembling, I dressed her in tennis shoes and a trench coat — nothing else — and sent her out shopping. I gave her a list of a few things I might need, and some goodies, but I really wanted to get her…

Hermione Learns Her Lesson

Hermione was on her way to potions class when she ran into Professor Snape in the corridor. “Ms. Granger, come this way please,” Snape said icily. Reluctantly she followed Snape’s long trailing coat into his office. He lowered himself behind a large oak desk. “Close the door behind you,” he…

Mash 4077 – Franks Fetish

Maj Frank Bruns knocked on the door of Maj Houlihan`s tent , he was told to enter . Maj Houlihan was in olive drab shorts for it was summer they fit like a glove , her stracht khaki showed her frim breast. Frank got a hard on just looking at…